1.1 - System Planning

1.1-1 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
1.1-1-1 Ensure Enabling Concept and Operating Concept exists in the Master Capability Library Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure Operating and Enabling Concepts Includes: Global Strike Considerations, Global Mobility Considerations, Global Persistent Attack Considerations, Homeland Defense and Civil Support Considerations, and Space and Command Control Communications Computers Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Considerations. Ensure Nuclear Response Considerations are addressed as applicable. NA NA AFI 63-101 or equivalent
1.1-1-2 Ensure Enabling Concept and Operating Concept documents warfighter needs Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure warfighter needs include interaction with other services/allies in engaging enemy forces, targets engaged, electronic warfare, etc. SFWC 3.13, SFWC 3.14 System CONOPS; System Requirements Document; Initial Capabilities Document (ICD); System/Segment Architecture Description; Enabling Concept Documents NA
1.1-1-3 Ensure Enabling Concept and Operating Concept to support mission area (Force Enhancement, Space Control, etc.) is defined Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure CONOPS is completed and approved in Phase 0, describing system employment concepts, strategies and tactics. Ensure that a CONOPs is fully decomposed into system-level requirements at SDR, and updated at PDR and CDR. Ensure CONOPS is understood to be a design function as well as an operational function. Ensure that ground and space are coordinated on design trades and operational implementation for system operation and deployment. Ensure operational concepts can support relevant developmental and operational test scenarios. Ensure changes in operational concepts are finalized and open issues resolved early enough to ensure no adverse impacts on the successful completion of DT&E, Integrated Testing, cyber T&E, and dedicated OT&E. SFWC 3.13, SFWC 3.15; AFMAN 63-119 A7.1; AFMAN 63-119 A7.2.2; AFMAN 63-119 A7.3 System CONOPS; System Requirements Document; System Requirements Allocation Matrix; Inter-Segment ICDs; External ICDs Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance Chapter; AFMAN 63-119 or equivalent
1.1-1-4 Ensure Enabling Concept and Operating Concept contains all required sections relating to mission Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure Enabling Concept and Operating Concept contains sections relating to all system segments, logistics, constellation management, budget, procurement, training, launch, test, operations, sustainment and long-range planning, as required. SFWC 3.13, SFWC 3.16 System CONOPS; Enabling Concept Documents NA
1.1-1-5 Ensure Enabling Concept and Operating Concept is matured, including future growth options Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure system concept development includes concept studies that are supported by a technology strategy that leads to defining the system requirements. SFWC 3.13 System CONOPS; Enabling Concept Documents Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering, Air Force Studies Board, National Research Council, 2008; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance chapter
1.1-1-6 Ensure external interface complexities are identified and minimized Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure external interface complexities to include dependencies on other programs are identified and there is a plan in place to mitigate SFWC 3.13 Inter-Segment ICDs; System CONOPS; External ICDs Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering, Air Force Studies Board, National Research Council, 2008; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance chapter
1.1-1-7 Ensure Enabling Concept and Operating Concept is developed to show system can be operated to handle expected throughput and meet response time requirements Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure system as designed can be operated to meet its requirements; it can be costly to discover too late. SFWC 3.13 System CONOPS; Enabling Concept Documents Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering, Air Force Studies Board, National Research Council, 2008; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance chapter
1.1-1-8 Ensure Key Performance Parameters are identified in clear, comprehensive, and concise terms Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure KPPs are expressed in terms that are understandable to all of the stakeholders. Failure to define the system's KPP simply and clearly at Milestone A is a first step to requirements instability and overruns later. SFWC 3.13 Key Performance Parameters (KPP); System TPMs; System Requirements Document Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering, Air Force Studies Board, National Research Council, 2008; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance chapter
1.1-1-9 Ensure sufficient models and appropriate simulations environments exist to validate the selected Enabling Concept and Operating Concept against the Key Performance Parameters Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure models are available and developed, if necessary, early on. SFWC 3.13 NA Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering, Air Force Studies Board, National Research Council, 2008; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance chapter
1.1-1-10 Ensure Key Performance Parameters and Technical Performance Measures meets validated user requirements Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure performance specification meets validated user requirements. Ensure any design or other changes still provide for meeting mission requirements. SFWC 2.1, SFWC 2.1.1, SFWC 3.13 Key Performance Parameters (KPP); System TPMs; System Requirements Document NA
1.1-1-11 Ensure user requirements identified, validated, and translated into the system/mission requirements Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure User requirements are identified, validated, and translated into the system/mission requirements. Requirements defined by the Requirements Generation System (as defined in CJCSI 3170.01A) and the Space Integrated Planning Process (IPP) (as described in AFSPCOI10-1) for the Space, Control and user segments, should also be verified. SFWC 3.1, SFWC 3.2, SFWC 3.13 System Requirements Document NA
1.1-1-12 Ensure clear, current, accessible and complete mission/operational source material is available. Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Mission/operational source material should include a CONOPS which can be decomposed - for all levels of the mission pyramid (timeline, phase, and event). Lower levels of the mission pyramid allow identification of mission critical events and transitions. The Design Reference Timeline should include, for each mission phase, a literal timeline or a sequence of functional requirements. In the case of events or sequences of events that can occur on parallel timelines, any relative ordering and its boundaries need to be defined. Mission scenarios and/or threads are a follow-on to high level operations concepts. System threads are derived from operational concepts and system design. Ensure operational concepts are sufficiently detailed to permit early development of operationally realistic test scenarios and tactics. SFWC 3.13; AFMAN 63-119 A7.1.1 System CONOPS Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Requirements Analysis and Validation Chapter; Test Like You Fly Process Guide for Space, Launch, and Ground Systems, TOR-2014-02537 Rev A, September 2016; TLYF
1.1-1-13 Ensure clear, current, accessible and complete mission/operational source material is available - for all levels of integration pyramid Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | As the system progresses through its lifecycle, the requirements and operational environment will change. In addition, design decisions may affect the use cases. The operational concept documentation needs to reflect the current system plans, to be appropriately detailed for the development stage, and to be accessible to all concerned parties. It should include a description for all levels of the system integration pyramid (i.e., subsystem, element, segment, system, and/or enterprise) to allow identification of mission critical contributors. SFWC 3.13 System CONOPS; System Requirements Document; Segment Design Specification Test Like You Fly Process Guide for Space, Launch, and Ground Systems, TOR-2014-02537 Rev A, September 2016; TLYF