- Structural Dynamics


Tasks Sub-Tasks Description References Assess Structural Dynamics Design Level 2 Tasks Ensure the sufficiency of the conceptual, preliminary, and the detailed design of the system to perform the intended function through all operating conditions and throughout the design life. Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance chapter Assess Structural Dynamics Verification Planning Level 2 Tasks Ensure plan and process are in place that proves the as-built item complies with the requirements baseline as determined by test, analysis, demonstration, inspection and/or similarity, performed at all levels from the lowest level configuration item to the system. Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Requirements Analysis and Verification Chapter Assess Structural Dynamics Analyses Level 2 Tasks Ensure data evaluation is complete and conducted by accepted analytical techniques to determine that the item will meet specified requirements. TOR-2011(8591)-2, Space Vehicle Test and Evaluation Handbook