1.2 - Pre-Award Program Planning

1.2-2 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
1.2-2-1 Ensure the use of Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) or other cost methodologies to balance life cycle costs, schedule, and technical issues while satisfying user requirements Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure system Key Performance Parameters and cost drivers are identified. Ensure that cost estimate is realistic and affordable. Ensure acceptable ranges of performance are established within cost trades analyses. AFMAN 63-119 A3.2.3 Key Performance Parameters (KPP); System TPMs; Cost / Design Trades and Analyses TOR-2004(3909)-3360 Rev 1, Acquisition Strategy Consideration, SRR Section; TOR-2009(8506)-8955, KDP A Independent Program Assessment (IPA) Evaluation Guide, 12 Feb 2009; AFMAN 63-119 or equivalent
1.2-2-2 Ensure major trade-off decisions affecting cost, schedule, and/or performance that were made in the prior acquisition phase and ones to be made in future phases are identified and documented Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure that any previous mistakes are not repeated in the new acquisition NA NA TOR-2004(3909)-3360 Rev 1, Acquisition Strategy Consideration, SRR Section; TOR-2009(8506)-8955, KDP A Independent Program Assessment (IPA) Evaluation Guide, 12 Feb 2009.
1.2-2-3 Ensure that Life Cycle Cost Estimate and Future Years Defense Plan (FYDP) implications are identified Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure full life cycle cost estimate is completed and key dates are identified (e.g. acquisition milestones, Initial Operational Capability (IOC), Final Operational Capability (FOC), major reviews, significant test events, deliveries, planned launches), explicitly linking program decision dates to demonstrated accomplishments/exit criteria. Ensure that software/hardware development not on critical path. Identify risk with attendant risk management plans. NA Cost / Design Trades and Analyses; Integrated Master Plan (IMP) ; Integrated Master Schedule (IMS); System TPMs; Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD) TOR-2004(3909)-3360 Rev 1, Acquisition Strategy Consideration, SRR Section; TOR-2009(8506)-8955, KDP A Independent Program Assessment (IPA) Evaluation Guide, 12 Feb 2009.
1.2-2-4 Ensure the schedule of major milestones are achievable (acceptable probability of success) Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure data shows that sufficient planning and resources as well as product development timeline are realistic. NA Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) TOR-2004(3909)-3360 Rev 1, Acquisition Strategy Consideration, SRR Section; TOR-2009(8506)-8955, KDP A Independent Program Assessment (IPA) Evaluation Guide, 12 Feb 2009.
1.2-2-5 Ensure an independent cost and schedule program execution analysis of selected architecture and requirements set is conducted Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure cost analysis is completed in parallel with the effectiveness analysis. For DoD programs: Ensure Cost Analysis Requirements Document (CARD) Assessed and an Independent Cost and Schedule Program Execution Analysis of Selected Architecture and Requirements Set is Provided. Ensure the use of Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) or other cost methodologies to balance life cycle costs, schedule, and technical issues while satisfying user requirements. Ensure cost drivers identified. SFWC 3.8; AFMAN 63-119 A3.2.1 Cost / Design Trades and Analyses TOR-2004(3909)-3360 Rev 1, Acquisition Strategy Consideration, SRR Section; TOR-2009(8506)-8955, KDP A Independent Program Assessment (IPA) Evaluation Guide, 12 Feb 2009; AFMAN 63-119 or equivalent
1.2-2-6 Ensure major known cost and schedule drivers and risks are explicitly identified and tracked Phase 0 | Phase A | Identify the major cost and schedule risk areas, with particular attention paid to external interface complexity, system complexity, incomplete requirements at Milestone B, immature technology, and high reliance on new software. NA Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP); Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering, Air Force Studies Board, National Research Council, 2008; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance chapter
1.2-2-7 Ensure the cost confidence level is acceptable by the stakeholders for the program Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure stakeholders understand the degree of risk so that the stakeholders will not disrupt the program as inevitable development program surprises unfold later on. Holding frank early disclosure of known potentials for risk can help sustain stakeholder support later on. NA NA Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering, Air Force Studies Board, National Research Council, 2008; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance chapter
1.2-2-8 Ensure program funding includes adequate management reserve Phase 0 | NA NA NA Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering, Air Force Studies Board, National Research Council, 2008; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Program Assurance chapter