- Program Requirements Planning Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References Ensure Host Nation Approval (HNA) is obtained for equipment that will be operated outside the US Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Radio systems that will be operated within the territory of a foreign host nation are subject to the regulations of that host nation. As a result, the program should ensure that host nation approval (HNA) for the system is maintained prior to operational deployment. Host nation coordination (HNC) to obtain HNA can be a very lengthy process (e.g., several years or more) and should be started as soon as possible. The program should complete HNC consistent with their agency process, but typically, HNC is conducted in parallel with the national process for obtaining Spectrum Certification. NA Program Management Plan Allied Communication Publication (ACP) 190, US Supplement-2; DD form 1494 Application for Equipment Frequency Allocation; Foreign Disclosure Letter; Military Communications electronics Board Publication 7, Frequency Resource Record System, Standard Frequency Action Format, 31 Dec 2003 Ensure required frequencies have or will be allocated and assigned Phase 0 | Phase A | Frequency ranges are allocated by national and international spectrum regulators for use by specific radio services which are broad classifications of system types. The program should verify that any frequency ranges planned for operation of this program element are allocated to an appropriate service for the intended use. The program should also verify that required spectrum use authorizations/assignments have been or are on track to be obtained for the desired frequency ranges per national regulations. NA Program Management Plan National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (NTIA Manual); Radio Regulations, International Telecommunications Union (ITU);ITU-R Recommendations Ensure applicable technical spectrum regulatory limits are met Phase D1 | The program should ensure that the parameters of this program element comply with applicable national regulations on technical spectrum performance. These regulations can include, for example, requirements on frequency tolerances, frequency stability, station keeping, power flux/power spectral flux density limits, radio astronomer protection, antenna patterns, antenna pointing error, and Out-of-Band Emissions (OOBE) Limits. These pertain to general capability and performance of the spacecraft and terminal equipment. Moreover, agency or regulator direction and coordination agreements may be in-force or pending that impose additional constraints on operational configurations. NA Program Management Plan National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (NTIA Manual); Radio Regulations, International Telecommunications Union (ITU);ITU-R Recommendations Ensure interference studies are complete Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | The program should perform analysis to verify that the planned emissions, receiving sensitivity and deployment parameters are such that this program element will neither cause nor receive harmful interference with other authorized radio systems that can be reasonably expected to operate in a similar geographic or spatial area. NA Program Management Plan National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (NTIA Manual); Radio Regulations, International Telecommunications Union (ITU);ITU-R Recommendations