- Program Software Planning Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References Ensure assessment of the government's pre-phase A contracts Phase 0 | Ensure pre-milestone A contracts include tasks and deliverables targeted to reducing downstream software mission assurance risks. Examples are prototyping, simulation, architecture trade studies, and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS), Open Source Software (OSS) and reuse software evaluation. Provide software-related input to the pre-phase A Request for Proposals (RFPs) as they are developed, and assure the software-related risk reduction tasks are not deleted during negotiations. NA Software Acquisition Management Plan (SWAMP); Request for Proposal (RFP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure government's software acquisition concept, cost, and schedule is developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure assessment of government acquisition strategy, plans, and cost and schedule estimates to verify adequate preparation, funding, and risk identification for software components of the program. Use modeling and/or analysis tasks as appropriate to develop and/or assess the government's proposed program acquisition costs and concepts to ensure that they adequately address software. NA Software Acquisition Management Plan (SWAMP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases; Software Mission Assurance Assessment Process Ensure phase A, B award software development risk assessment is performed Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Ensure an assessment is performed of risks in potential contractor's software development strategy and plans, and risks in contractor execution of software development plans to date. Recommend risk mitigation actions, if necessary, to ensure that the contractor's software development is being adequately addressed and implemented and that it reflects what is expected and needed for the applicable acquisition phase. NA NA DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases; Software Mission Assurance Assessment Process Ensure request for proposal (RFP) compliance standards are developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure Request for Proposal (RFP) includes the list of compliance standards includes the correct software mission assurance-related standards: "Software Development Standard for Space Systems" for all mission-critical software, and "Test Requirements for Launch, Upper Stage, and Space Vehicles" for onboard software. Assess the correctness and completeness of the tailoring provided for these standards, and assure that the tailoring does not delete or dilute important mission assurance provisions. Provide input to the RFP for software-related standards and their tailoring if the RFP is under development. NA Request for Proposal (RFP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) items and Data Item Description (DID) tailoring are developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure Request for Proposal (RFP)includes Contract Data Requirement List (CDRL) recommended set of software-related CDRL items. Assess the correctness and completeness of the Data Item Description (DID) tailoring to ensure that it does not delete or dilute important mission assurance-related contents of the CDRL items. Provide input to the RFP for software-related CDRL items and DID tailoring if the RFP is under development. NA Statement of Work (SOW); Request for Proposal (RFP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure the contract Statement of Work (SOW) is developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure government's Statement of Work (SOW) is correct and complete for software mission assurance-related tasks. Ensure the software mission assurance-related standards and Contract Data Requirement List (CDRL) items are correctly referenced. Ensure that robust software testing is addressed, including the development/procurement of high fidelity test beds, test facilities, and simulators sufficient for testing the onboard and ground software. Ensure that appropriate software risk mitigation tasks are included. Provide input to the government's SOW if the RFP is under development. NA Statement of Work (SOW) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure RFP Section H inputs are developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure the Request for Proposal (RFP) Section H is first assessed that adequate data rights have been requested for the program. Government purpose rights should be asserted for all software items, unless the program has thoroughly explored this issue with the government legal staff. Second, assess RFP Section H to ensure that an electronic access clause has been included that provides timely electronic input to all software-related contractor products. Third, assess RFP Section H to ensure that periodic software capability appraisals by the government are included in the contract. Ensure that all other program-specific software-related clauses are included. Provide input to Section H if the RFP is under development. NA Request for Proposal (RFP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure RFP Sections L and M are developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure RFP Sections L and M that include software mission assurance-related criteria are correctly and completely included in Section M. Ensure that Sections L and M are consistent so that the evaluation criteria in Section M have sufficient information requested in Section L and that all information requested in Section L is needed to perform the evaluation against the criteria in Section M. Provide input to Sections L and M if the RFP is under development. For Air Force programs, it is recommended that software be a sub-factor in the Mission Capability factor. NA Request for Proposal (RFP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure the RFP cost volume instructions are developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure Request for Proposal (RFP) cost volume instructions for software is adequately addressed in the cost volume. Ensure that cost data is provided to a sufficient WBS level to include all software. Ensure that cost data includes all developed software and non-developmental items, including Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS), Government Off-The-Shelf (GOTS), Open Source Software (OSS), and reuse. Provide input to the cost volume instructions if the RFP is under development. NA Request for Proposal (RFP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure the contract incentive plan is developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure government's incentive plan for the contractor provides a sufficient percentage of the award/incentive fees allocation to software. Ensure that software mission assurance-related processes and products are evaluated, and not simply cost and schedule. Ensure that the incentive plan rewards adherence to processes and to process improvement. Provide input to the incentive plan if the Request for Proposal (RFP) is under development. NA Request for Proposal (RFP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure any additional software-related source selection guidance is developed and assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Ensure preparation of any additional Request for Proposal (RFP) preparation or source selection guidance, not detailed above, if required for the program. NA Request for Proposal (RFP) DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases Ensure government assessment of the contractor's software capability is performed Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase 0 and Phase A, ensure the supplier is qualified to develop the software system being acquired by the government by performing an assessment of the contractor's software development capabilities, preferably using the Standard CMMI-Based Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) method with the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)-DEV model. It is a requirement at SMC that a software capability evaluation must be performed as part of source selection. The software capability evaluation is performed on the entire contractor team, including all sub-contractors with significant software responsibility. This task is to be performed via contractual stipulation and can be performed as part of source selection for Phase 0 or as part of a Phase A contract. If this task is performed as part of a Phase A contract, the contractor should develop a process improvement plan (PIP), based on the findings of the SCAMPI. The PIP is then delivered as part of the proposal and subsequently as a contract deliverable. This task also needs to be performed through the development lifecycle as stipulated in the contract. Perform assessment periodically during the contractor's development life cycle. NA NA DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TR--2006(8550)-1, Reducing Software Acquisition Risk: Best Practices for the Early Acquisition Phases; SMCI 63-103; CMMI-DEV and SCAMPI Method Description; SMC Instruction 63-104 or equivalent