- Program Software Planning Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References Ensure assessment of Pre-Milestone A contractor plans and processes Phase 0 | Ensure assessment of pre-Milestone A contractor's software-related plans and processes to identify weaknesses in contractor planning and performance of the software-related work. Verify that the contractor's software-related plans and processes meet contract requirements as described in the Statement of Work and Data Item Descriptions (DIDs), if applicable. If software development is being performed as part of the Pre-Milestone A phase, evaluate the contractor's software development plans and processes for appropriateness in performing the Pre-KDP A phase work. Ensure the contractor's plans and processes will enable continued progress toward reducing downstream software mission assurance risk. The type of work being performed by contractors during the Pre-KDP A Phase is different for each program. Therefore, this task will need to be tailored and expanded by each program. NA Software Development Plan DoD 5000.2; TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter