2.2.2 - Design Assurance

2.2.2-2 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.2.2-2-1 Ensure the contractor's design management plan is evaluated and implemented Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure the contractor's design assurance plan is reviewed and approved. The plan should include hardware design assurance, certifications (facilities, equip, processes and personnel), verification approach, quality assurance and manufacturing. Ensure the design assurance implementation verifies the execution of contractor design management plan. Ensure contractor applies a proven system engineering process during design and performs supporting analyses. Ensure contractor applies a proven product engineering process during design which is traceable to applicable system/mission requirements documents. SFWC, SFWC NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B
2.2.2-2-2 Ensure the government Design Assurance Plan is evaluated and implemented Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure the Design Assurance implementation verifies the execution of government Design Assurance Plan NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-3 Ensure design management process includes the general design standards and processes Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure design standards include "design for manufacturing and assembly", "design for test/analysis/similarity", and processes include well-defined/mature software engineering process. SFWC, SFWC, SFWC NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-4 Ensure the design management process addresses the design process execution Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure the design development and maturation process is fully documented with results of the design process. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-5 Ensure the design change process is evaluated and implemented as approved Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure design change process Implementation adequately addresses all design changes. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-6 Ensure the design change Implementation includes verification of design changes Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure verification of all affected elements. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-7 Ensure the design change implementation includes design assurance metrics for design changes Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure metrics are both salient and used in subsequent design changes. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-8 Ensure the system design feasibility demonstration verifies the enabling Technology Readiness Level and demonstrations Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the adequacy of the technology demonstrations. NA Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-9 Ensure the design assurance implementation includes evaluation of the adequacy of preliminary and critical design audits Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure audits contain enough detail to be useful in design assurance. NA Design Review Data Package Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-10 Ensure the specialty engineering functions support design processes Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure all specially engineering disciplines are engaged, as appropriate, in all design phases. SFWC NA NA
2.2.2-2-11 Ensure the Design Assurance Implementation validates the critical design audit process Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the complete design is included in the audits. Ensure all TBD design items are accounted for. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter
2.2.2-2-12 Ensure the Design Assurance Implementation includes the functional configuration audit process Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure all functional configuration audits are included in the design assurance implementation. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Design Assurance Chapter