2.2.2 - Design Assurance

2.2.2-4 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.2.2-4-1 Ensure program system design baseline established and approved Phase B | Phase C | Ensure the program technical baseline is executable and consistent with design requirements detailed by applicable set of specifications, standards and contract requirements. SFWC NA TOR-2011(859)-5 Mission Risk Planning and Acquisition tailoring Guidelines for National Security Space Vehicles
2.2.2-4-2 Ensure set of applicable specifications, standards and other requirements are consistent with established baseline Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure the design baseline is developed with applicable specifications and standards. NA NA TOR-2011(859)-5 Mission Risk Planning and Acquisition tailoring Guidelines for National Security Space Vehicles
2.2.2-4-3 Ensure a configuration management process exists to establish, update, inform, and disseminate system-related information - including any changes that may impact the supplier, integration, and/or mission pyramids Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Heritage materials, components, and algorithms often have unexpected interactions when placed in a new environment or exposed to new conditions or use. Any use of a heritage process or component outside of its historic use and environment should be documented and kept current to assure that they are correctly included in the mission critical fault analysis, like you fly tests, and risk management process. New materials, components, and algorithms often have unknown properties when applied to specific mission usage. Their use within the system should be documented and kept current to assure that they are correctly included in the MCFA, LYF tests, and risk management process. Ensure heritage technologies, processes, and components used in a new way are identified and usage tracked. Ensure new technologies processes, and components for the system are identified and usage tracked NA NA The Test Like You Fly Process Guide for Space, Launch, and Ground Systems, TOR-2014-02537 Rev A(Section; TLYF