2.2.4 - Interfaces

2.2.4-5 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.2.4-5-1 Ensure system and interface performance/ technical performance parameters are evaluated Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Ensure parameters contain sufficient detail to allow for verification. Ensure integration across the system, including external systems, is optimized for design and performance. Ensure the design performance across system interfaces using mission operations concept threads is evaluated. Ensure analyses are performed on all interfaces using expected throughput. AFMAN 63-119 A21.3.1 System Performance Analysis Report , Major Interfaces chapter; AFMAN 63-119 or equivalent
2.2.4-5-2 Ensure the as-launched and check-out system design satisfies key performance parameter thresholds Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Ensure sufficient data are obtained and saved for adequate analyses. NA Segment Design Specification; Key Performance Parameters (KPP); System Performance Analysis Report TOR-2006(8506)-4494, Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, Major Interfaces chapter