2.2.5 - Integration & Verification Planning

2.2.5-7 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.2.5-7-1 Ensure Test Like You Fly deviations are documented and communicated Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Evaluate the contractor's use of the TLYF principles within the contractor test program. Identify deviations from TLYF principles and the justification/waivers for each deviation. Verify that the contractor's proposed method of verification is sufficient and perceptive for each contractor proposed verification methods at each level of assembly. Assess the test program's flexibility to ensure that the test program can be updated as the test conditions and operating modes change during final development. Finally, assess the contractor's measurement parameters to ensure that the parameters are adequately sampled with sufficient frequency and over the design range. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B