2.3.14 - Human Factors Engineering

2.3.14-10 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.3.14-10-1 Ensure integration of human capabilities and limitations with the system design, development, modification and evaluation optimize human system integration performance Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the integration of human capabilities and limitations (cognitive, physical, sensory, and team dynamic) with the system design, development, modification and evaluation optimize human-machine and human-system performance for operation, maintenance, sustainment and use of the system. Ensure that all requirements found in MIL-STD-1472F or G, ANSI HFES 100 (2007) appropriate for the capability or system being developed are addressed. This includes: the anthropometric range is considered in the development of all workstations and control panels; the design being evaluated for work/living space, system/display integration, operability/maintainability, anthropometry/ergonomics, automation and ambient environment; evaluation of unique lighting conditions, special gear requirements (Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP), Cold Weather);and time/accuracy limits for task completion. An effective HFE design is one that requires appropriate levels of manpower, provides effective training, can be operated, maintained, sustained and used by the designated personnel, and is suitable and survivable. Applies to HW, SW, and SE across Ground, Space, User and Factory. NA NA SMC Human Systems Integration (HSI) Policy, 12 Feb 2006 or equivalent; Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 6, 10 January 2012; Air Force Human Systems Integration Handbook (AFHSI) Handbook: Planning and Execution of Human Systems Integration, 21 Jan 2009