2.3.14 - Human Factors Engineering

2.3.14-3 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.3.14-3-1 Ensure functional analyses and trade studies generate a functional architecture that supports safe and efficient operation and maintenance by the designated operators, maintainers and users Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that the contractor system analysis completely describes the human engineering efforts conducted as part of the system analysis and presents results. Assess the methodology and results relative to the appropriateness and feasibility of the system functions and roles allocated to operators and maintainers. For systems considering automation ensure the methodology used to determine the tasks/functions that are planned to be automated is described and that the results should at a minimum address how the proposed automation approach addresses human error, supports mission performance, reallocates or reduces crew manning, and ensures requirements for human performance are met. Applies to HW, SW, and SE across Ground, Space, User and Factory. NA NA SMC Human Systems Integration (HSI) Policy, 12 Feb 2006 or equivalent; United States Air Force (2009) Human Systems Integration Requirements Pocket Guide, U.S. Air Force Human Systems Integration Office, September 2009; United States Air Force (2010) Air Force Instruction 10-601, Operational Capability Requirements Development, 12 July 2010; Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 6, 10 January 2012; Air Force Human Systems Integration Handbook (AFHSI) Handbook, Planning and Execution of Human Systems Integration, 21 Jan 2009
2.3.14-3-2 Ensure human performance requirements are incorporated Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure operator and maintainer human performance requirements and applicable human engineering applicable human engineering design criteria (e.g., MIL-STD-1472) are incorporated into the layout, design, and arrangement of equipment having an operator or maintainer interface. Applies to HW, SW, and SE across Ground, Space, User and Factory. NA NA SMC Human Systems Integration (HSI) Policy, 12 Feb 2006 or equivalent; United States Air Force (2009) Human Systems Integration Requirements Pocket Guide, U.S. Air Force Human Systems Integration Office, September 2009; United States Air Force (2010) Air Force Instruction 10-601, Operational Capability Requirements Development, 12 July 2010; Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 6, 10 January 2012; Air Force Human Systems Integration Handbook (AFHSI) Handbook, Planning and Execution of Human Systems Integration, 21 Jan 2009
2.3.14-3-3 Ensure analysis includes rationale that supports the layout, design, and integration of crew station equipment Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure analysis includes rationale that supports the layout, design, and integration of crew station equipment for operators and design, layout and installation of equipment having a maintainer interface. Applies to HW, SW, and SE across Ground, Space, User and Factory. NA NA SMC Human Systems Integration (HSI) Policy, 12 Feb 2006 or equivalent; United States Air Force (2009) Human Systems Integration Requirements Pocket Guide, U.S. Air Force Human Systems Integration Office, September 2009; United States Air Force (2010) Air Force Instruction 10-601, Operational Capability Requirements Development, 12 July 2010; Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 6, 10 January 2012; Air Force Human Systems Integration Handbook (AFHSI) Handbook, Planning and Execution of Human Systems Integration, 21 Jan 2009
2.3.14-3-4 Ensure results from the analysis address performance Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure results from the analysis of operator and maintainer tasks address automation, human error, and human performance as it pertains to (at a minimum) cognitive workload, situation awareness, critical task analysis, performance on time-critical tasks, personnel skill level, number of operators required and other human performance requirements specified in contractual documents including system specifications. Applies to HW, SW, and SE across Ground, Space, User and Factory. NA NA SMC Human Systems Integration (HSI) Policy, 12 Feb 2006 or equivalent; United States Air Force (2009) Human Systems Integration Requirements Pocket Guide, U.S. Air Force Human Systems Integration Office, September 2009; United States Air Force (2010) Air Force Instruction 10-601, Operational Capability Requirements Development, 12 July 2010; Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 6, 10 January 2012; Air Force Human Systems Integration Handbook (AFHSI) Handbook, Planning and Execution of Human Systems Integration, 21 Jan 2009
2.3.14-3-5 Ensure maintainer task information is provided as analytic and study information Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure information relative to maintainer tasks is provided as analytic and study information sufficiently early to influence the formulation of special repair of other system data, parts, tool lists, such as maintenance allocation, and other logistic support data. Applies to HW, SW, and SE across Ground, Space, User and Factory. NA NA SMC Human Systems Integration (HSI) Policy, 12 Feb 2006 or equivalent; United States Air Force (2009) Human Systems Integration Requirements Pocket Guide, U.S. Air Force Human Systems Integration Office, September 2009; United States Air Force (2010) Air Force Instruction 10-601, Operational Capability Requirements Development, 12 July 2010; Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 6, 10 January 2012; Air Force Human Systems Integration Handbook (AFHSI) Handbook, Planning and Execution of Human Systems Integration, 21 Jan 2009