2.3.14 - Human Factors Engineering

2.3.14-9 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.3.14-9-1 Ensure instruction and resources provide the designated operators, maintainers, sustainers, and users of the system with the required knowledge, skills and abilities to operate, maintain, support and use the system Phase D1 | Ensure the training system (including technical orders) is developed in accordance with established government standards and defined instructional system design approaches. Ensure that context sensitive help is provided where appropriate. This includes review of contractor analysis and design products that support training development. Applies to HW, SW, and SE across Ground, User and Factory. NA NA SMC Human Systems Integration (HSI) Policy, 12 Feb 2006 or equivalent; United States Air Force (2009) Human Systems Integration Requirements Pocket Guide, U.S. Air Force Human Systems Integration Office, September 2009; United States Air Force (2010) Air Force Instruction 10-601, Operational Capability Requirements Development, 12 July 2010; Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 6, 10 January 2012; Air Force Human Systems Integration Handbook (AFHSI) Handbook, Planning and Execution of Human Systems Integration, 21 Jan 2009