2.3.3 - Parts Materials & Processes (PM&P)

2.3.3-5 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.3.3-5-1 Ensure failures of parts occurring during equipment manufacturing are analyzed and submitted to the Parts, Materials, and Processes Control Board (PMPCB) for concurrence of cause and corrective action Phase C | Phase D1 | When required, a Failure Summary and Analysis Report (FSAR), should be prepared and reviewed by the Parts Materials and Processes Control Board (PMPCB). The PMPCB should determine and implement appropriate corrective action for each PMP failure. All confirmed failures, and the results of final failure analysis, should be reported to the PMPCB NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, PMP Chapter; Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494; TOR-2006(8583)-5235 Rev A, Parts, Materials, and Processes Control Program for Space and Launch Vehicles