2.3.7 - Mass Properties

2.3.7-2 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
2.3.7-2-1 Ensure the contractor mass properties analysis methods can adequately & sufficiently support program requirements Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that the contractor's analysis methods and tools support meeting all program mass properties analysis and accuracy requirements. Ensure the contractor substantiates and documents the mass properties database system and data. Ensure (verify and validate) that the Mass Growth Allowance values are substantiated by providing maturity assessments at key program milestones such as Authority To Proceed, Preliminary Design Review, Critical Design Review, and Pre-Ship Review. NA NA ANSI/AIAA S-120A-2015 Mass Properties Control for Space Systems, Section 5.2.2
2.3.7-2-2 Ensure the integrity and completeness of mass properties data extracted by the contractor from Three-Dimensional (3D) CAD tools Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure evaluation and assessment are performed for the following items:1. The product of Inertia sign convention of the mass properties output from the CAD tool is known and has been tested, and either matches the product of inertia sign convention of the mass properties database system, or an appropriate tool for flipping the signs of product of inertia data when exporting mass properties data to the database is implemented.2. The material densities and part dimensions in the CAD models are accurate.3. The CAD models used for mass properties computation have no hidden bodies remaining in them.4. The CAD models include all part features, such as holes, fillets, and other small features.5. The CAD models of assemblies represent the complete assemblies, including fasteners, rivets, paint, insulation, wiring, etc., or the mass properties database contains entries to represent the mass properties of all unmodeled items in the CAD models.6. The CAD models of assembly hierarchies at the subsystem, assembly, and unit level can be directly compared with program drawing tree and/or as-built assembly trees for verification. NA NA ANSI/AIAA S-120A-2015 Mass Properties Control for Space Systems, Section
2.3.7-2-3 Ensure the contractor analyzes optimum locations for balance and ballast mass if required Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure verification and validation of the space vehicle balance weight, locations, and maximum allowable weight per each location are per installation drawings. NA NA ANSI/AIAA S-120A-2015 Mass Properties Control for Space Systems, Section