4.4.12 - Software Subsystem (SS)

4.4.12-2 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.4.12-2-1 Ensure contractor software requirements, architecture and design processes are assessed Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Examine the contractor's software requirements, architecture and design process descriptions and products, and document findings. Verify that all processes are defined, documented and in place. Verify adequacy of the contractor processes used to analyze and perform software requirements definition, develop bi-directional traceability of requirements, develop software architecture, perform software design, and modify software requirements, architecture and design. Verify the adequacy of the contractor's analyses, requirements, architecture and design tools, and the integration of the tools with the processes. If the contractor has tailored company standard processes, verify that the tailoring is appropriate for the current program needs. NA System/Segment Architecture Description; Segment Design Specification; System Requirements Document TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software: Refer to Appendix B, Section B.1.2 (to be tailored for specific program needs and priorities; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-2-2 Ensure contractor software code development processes are assessed Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Examine the contractor's software code development process descriptions and products, and document findings. Verify that all processes are defined, documented and in place. Verify that the contractor code development processes are disciplined, and follow documented programming practices, procedures, standards and conventions that are consistent with good industry standards and practices. Verify that the software code development processes address integration of code and rigorous code peer review processes, and that these processes define appropriate points of insertion for peer reviews. Verify that there are documented coding standards for each programming language in use, and that the standards and programming language(s) are appropriate for real-time onboard software. If the contractor has tailored company standard coding processes, verify that the tailoring is appropriate for the current program needs. Verify the adequacy of the contractor code development tools, and the integration of the tools with the processes. NA Software Development Plan; Software Acquisition Management Plan (SWAMP) TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-2-3 Ensure contractor software requirements, architecture, design and code development processes performance are assessed Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure contractor development process is evaluated. Observe performance of contractor software requirements, architecture, design and code development processes. Verify contractor staff performs in accordance with previously assessed contractor processes and document findings. NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software: Refer to Appendix B, Section B.1.2 (to be tailored for specific program needs and priorities); Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter