4.4.12 - Software Subsystem (SS)

4.4.12-3 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.4.12-3-1 Ensure software requirements and software interface requirements are correct, complete, consistent, feasible, verifiable, and clearly and unambiguously stated Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | These requirements are usually captured in Software Requirements Specifications (SRSs) and Interface Requirement Specifications (IRSs). NA Configuration Item (Hardware, Software and Firmware) Requirements Specifications; Interface Requirement Specification (IRS) TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-2 Ensure software requirements traceability and allocation is evaluated Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure software requirements bi-directional traceability is documented, complete and up to date, and that all software requirements are completely and correctly traced to/from parent and child requirements. Ensure that the contractor has provided bi-directional traceability between the contractual requirements (e.g., in the Technical Requirements Document); the system, segment, element, and subsystem level requirements (as appropriate to this program); the components of the top-level computer system and software architecture, and the subsystem, element, segment, and system test plans, cases, procedures, and procedure steps, for all software-related requirements. Verify that all software requirements are allocated to and trace to the appropriate software design and code element(s). NOTE: The requirements traceability matrix can be separately maintained or be part of the specification. NA System Requirements Allocation Matrix; System/Segment Specification (SSS) TOR-2006(8506)-5749,Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-3 Ensure software requirements verification matrix is complete and up to date Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure all software requirements will be completely and correctly tested or otherwise verified. NOTE: The requirements verification matrix can be separately maintained or be part of the specification. NA System/Segment Specification (SSS); Verification Cross-Reference Matrix (VCRM) TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-4 Ensure contractor software architecture description and views are documented and up to date Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure software architecture products are documented, up to date, complete and feasible, and support the implementation of the requirements allocated to software. Ensure that the baseline software architecture is consistent with and supports the system-level architecture. Ensure that the software architecture views, including the Physical, Logical, Developmental, Process and Behavioral (User) Views are up to date, correct, complete, consistent, feasible, clear and unambiguous. Assess that the software architecture has been defined to the standards and level of completeness called for in the Software Development Plan. NA Software Architecture Description (SAD); Software Development Plan TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software, Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-5 Ensure contractor software design description is evaluated for completion Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure software design description, including design description of the software interfaces, is documented, up to date, and that the software design description addresses all software items (including legacy, reuse, Commercial Off-The-Shelf [COTS], Government Off-The-Shelf [GOTS], Open Source Software (OSS), other Network Operations Upgrade Contract [NOUC], Non-Developmental Item [NDI] software items) needed to meet requirements specifications. Ensure that the software design reflects the software architecture, and is complete, feasible and will implement the requirements. Assess that the software design has been defined to the standards and level of completeness called for in the Software Development Plan. NA Configuration Item (Hardware, Software and Firmware) Design Specifications; Software Development Plan TOR-2006(8506)-5749,Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-6 Ensure contractor database design description is evaluated Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure database design description is documented and describes a complete and feasible design for the database, and that the database design will support the software architecture and design. Assess that the database design has been defined to the standards and level of completeness called for in the Software Development Plan. For flight software, of special concern is the database that contains the flight constants. NA Database Design Description (DBDD); Software Development Plan TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-7 Ensure compliance of the contractor software architecture, design and code products Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure software architecture, detail design and code properly adhere to all applicable standards and compliance documents on contract. NA Software Development Plan TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-8 Ensure evaluation of trade studies and engineering analyses Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensures trade studies and engineering analyses assessment is performed for make/buy/reuse Software products, architecture trades and hardware selections are documented, up to date, and complete. Verify that the methods used to produce the analyses or trades were applied appropriately and that the results justify decisions made based upon these trade studies and engineering analyses. Assess that the justifications used in making the selections are documented. Verify that the documented justifications were based on a robust set of evaluation criteria. Ensure that the results or products of the trades or engineering analyses, together with the system and software architectures and design and selected computer resources, demonstrate that the software architecture and design will meet key performance parameters and driving requirements. NA Cost / Design Trades and Analyses TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TOR-2004(3909)-3537, Rev B, Software Development Standard for Space Systems, Appendix B
4.4.12-3-9 Ensure adequacy of simulation, demonstration and prototype results Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure the simulations, demonstrations and/or prototypes used demonstrate the adequacy or soundness of the software architecture, design, and/or algorithms (and their ability to meet requirements, especially performance requirements) are documented, along with their results, and are at the level of maturity and fidelity needed. SFWC System Performance Analysis Report TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-10 Ensure use assessment of legacy/reuse/COTS/GOTS//OSS Other NDI Products Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure justification for the use of any legacy/reuse/Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)/Government Off-The-Shelf (GOTS)/Open Source Software (OSS)/Other Non-Developmental Item (NDI) software products in the software system architecture and design is documented, complete, up to date, and contains sufficient detail to support the use of said product. Verify that the documented justifications were based on a robust set of evaluation criteria. NA Software Development Plan TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter; TOR-2004(3909)-3537, Rev B, Software Development Standard for Space Systems, Appendix B
4.4.12-3-11 Ensure contractor's higher level requirements specifications are complete Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure requirements related to or allocated to software in the higher level specifications are correct, complete, consistent, feasible, verifiable, clear, and lack ambiguity. The higher level specifications consist of the system specification, segment specifications, element specifications (e.g., spacecraft and payload specifications), and subsystem specifications, that is, all requirements specifications above the Software Requirements Specifications in the spec tree. Assure that appropriate requirements have been included for (1) nominal and off-nominal conditions, (2) onboard computer resource margins (for processors, memory, data storage, and I/O capacity (channels, busses)), (3) onboard processor reprogram ability, (4) states and modes, (5) onboard and ground database management, and (6) fault management, including safe mode. NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-12 Ensure assessment of contractor's external and internal interface requirements Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure the external and internal interface requirements related to or allocated to software for correctness, completeness, consistency, feasibility, verifiability, clarity, and lack of ambiguity. These interface requirements are usually found in Interface Control Documents (ICDs) and Interface Requirements Specifications (IRSs). NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-13 Ensure assessment of specialty engineering requirements Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure specialty engineering requirements in the higher level specifications (system, segment, element and subsystem specifications) has been appropriately included in these requirements. Also assess the allocations of these requirements to hardware and software items for correctness, completeness, and feasibility of the allocations.. The specialty engineering requirements to be assessed include, as a minimum, reliability/maintainability/availability, supportability, testability, safety, information assurance, interoperability, and human systems integration. NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-14 Ensure adequacy of contractor's top-level computer system and software architecture Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure contractor's top-level computer system and software architecture are correct, complete, consistent, feasible, verifiable, clear, and lack ambiguity. Assess the appropriateness of the selection and integration of non-developmental items (Commercial Off-The-Shelf [COTS], Government Off-The-Shelf [GOTS], Open Source Software (OSS), legacy, reuse), the ability of the architecture to satisfy the higher level requirements allocated to software, and the appropriate integration of the top-level computer system and software architecture with the rest of the system architecture. SFWC NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-15 Ensure assessment of engineering analyses Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure contractor's engineering analyses adequately demonstrate that the software architecture and design, together with the selected computer resources, is capable of meeting all computer resource utilization; reliability, maintainability and availability; and quantitative performance requirements (e.g., response times, timelines, accuracy, Key Performance Parameters [KPPs]), with margins that are appropriate for the current point in the life cycle. NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-16 Ensure assessment of higher level test procedures Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure the contractor's higher level test procedures for subsystem, element, segment, and system testing (as appropriate for this program)are correct, complete, feasible, verifiable, clear, and lack ambiguity and consistent with the test plans. Ensure that all software-related requirements are traced to test procedure steps, and that the procedures address all requirements verification methods (I, A, D, T). Ensure that the software-related requirements are being verified under conditions as close to the operational environment as possible (including target processors, hardware configuration, workloads, data rates, etc.). NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-17 Ensure assessment of simulator requirements and architecture Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure contractor's simulator requirements and architecture are correct, complete, consistent, feasible, verifiable, clear, and lack ambiguity. Assess the contractor's simulator requirements and architecture for their ability to meet program needs for verification of software-related requirements for the system, segment, element, subsystem, and software items; verification of external and internal interface requirements and design; algorithm development and validation; operator training; and test bed and test facility development. NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-18 Ensure assessment of technology implementation Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure contractor's implementation of the planned software-related technologies on the program. Such technologies include computer hardware technologies as well as software product and process technologies. Assess the remaining software-related technology risk. Provide assistance to the contractor in areas where they are having technology implementation problems. NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter
4.4.12-3-19 Ensure assessment of procedures for validating integration and verification test environments Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Ensure contractor's procedures for validating the elements of their integration and verification test environments meet their requirements and perform as needed before use in verifying software requirements, software interface requirements, and higher level software-related requirements. The elements of the test environments include test beds, test facilities, simulators, emulators, test drivers, test data generators, automated test tools, and other test tools as necessary. Simulator validation, however, is especially important. NA NA TOR-2006(8506)-5749, Mission Assurance Tasks for Software; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Software Mission Assurance Chapter