4.4.6 - Thermal Control Subsystem (TCS)

4.4.6-8 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.4.6-8-1 Ensure that all interfaces are identified, requirements are defined, and are consistent with interface control documents Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that all interface requirements are defined by Preliminary Design Review, completed and presented by Critical Design Review. Ensure that both physical and functional interfaces are defined. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494, Major Interfaces Chapter
4.4.6-8-2 Ensure end-to-end compatibility of the subsystem with all other subsystems and external systems involved in specific functionality Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure end-to-end testing verifies functional interface NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494, Major Interfaces Chapter
4.4.6-8-3 Ensure all interfaces are tested in an operational-like environment Phase D1 | Ensure that the interface testing is described and consistent with the verification planning NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494, Major Interfaces Chapter; SMC-S-016 "Test Requirements for Launch, Upper-stage, and Space Vehicles 5 Sept 2014 or equivalent
4.4.6-8-4 Ensure all payload interface thermal requirements (environments, temps, heat transfer) are adequate Phase B | Phase C | NA NA NA Systems Engineer's Major Reviews for National Security Space System Programs, TOR-2004(3909)-3360 Rev 1 pg 36-38, 69-71
4.4.6-8-5 Ensure that TCS interfaces with telemetry, computer heater control, and commands are adequately defined Phase B | Phase C | Ensure sufficient thermal telemetry points to assess critical mission events. Ensure that computer controlled heaters return to safe state after computer swap or reboot. NA NA Systems Engineer's Major Reviews for National Security Space System Programs, TOR-2004(3909)-3360 Rev 1 pg 36-38, 69-71