4.5.5 - Optical

4.5.5-4 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.5.5-4-1 Ensure payload design including units, assemblies, sub-assemblies and parts meets the mission performance requirements Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Pre-Phase A, as applicable, ensure the design satisfies the requirements under the conditions specified by the Design Reference Mission. There should be a realistic worst-case scenario to show that the requirements can be met with margin. Phase A onward, the derived CONOPS should be in a particular document (Flight Requirements and Ops documents) or operations working group products. Some mission concepts may not be directly translated to payload requirements in terms of the overall mission operability. The payload must be validated against how the components will be used for that particular application. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B
4.5.5-4-2 Ensure trade studies were conducted and the design baseline satisfies mission requirements and the analysis of alternatives has identified the baseline as the best value Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that all trade studies are realizable in terms of technology used and conform to system requirement and physical constraints. Check that viable candidates received appropriate consideration. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-3 Ensure payload technology readiness and risk burn-down plan have been assessed Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure payload system technologies, including manufacturing, supplier readiness and programmatic readiness, are mature enough to support the development timeline. Check that the risk mitigation plans are sufficient, funded and conclude at the right time. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-4 Ensure payload hardware and software (as applicable) functions are described in the payload specification Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that descriptive functions for subsystems and units (including software) are detailed enough for new personnel to understand how the unit or subsystem behaves both individually and within the system. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-5 Ensure payload hardware and software (as applicable) is identified as heritage, modified, or new Phase B | Phase C | Ensure heritage qualification adequacy is documented by analysis and test. NA NA Objective Criteria for Heritage Hardware Reuse, TOR-2010(8591)-19; Reuse of Hardware and Software Products, TOR-2009(8546)-8604
4.5.5-4-6 Ensure all defined contract deliverables and relevant contractor data are complete and accurate to support design reviews Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Ensure all relevant data is readily available and delivered to support design reviews and design forums. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-7 Ensure that tolerance margins are appropriate to the level of maturity of the design Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that the driving tolerances (i.e. the tolerances that are tight relative to standard practices) and performance metrics most impacted by these tolerances are clearly identified NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-8 Ensure that the external radiation and other high-energy radiation environments are adequately characterized Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Radiation Hardness Assurance plan generated at the system level needs to be flowed down and followed. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-9 Ensure that a survey of advanced development programs has been made to identify FPAs (focal plane array) with characteristics similar to those defined by requirements Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure diagnostic test data that quantifies fundamental pixel performance and detector array operability should be reviewed as part of this process. A draft specification for the current flight program FPA should be developed based on this information and current program requirements, and this specification should be reviewed with potential FPA vendors prior to SRR. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-10 Ensure that the FPA concept is fully worked out and that an advanced procurement schedule which allows for at least two iterations of the FPA fabrication cycle has been generated Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | FPA concept includes: pixel size, format, data rate, operating modes, temperature range, wavelength bands, etc. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-11 Ensure FPA proof of concept is validated Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that a proof-of-concept for the focal plane approach is presented at PDR. It should show that enough is known about the basic operating properties of the FPA and that any proposed FPA is likely to be build able within the resources (cost and schedule) of the program. Performance specifications are defined, along with their traceability to top-level mission requirements. Thermal, mechanical, and electrical interfaces for the focal planes are defined. A detailed FPA test plan should be presented that includes component-subsystem, and payload-level testing. Ensure the detailed FPA design is completed by CDR and that an engineering-grade FPA with initial test results are available Tests of radiometric response and the effects of high-energy radiation exposure on that response should be available at this point. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-12 Ensure Optical Design and analysis demonstrates performance Phase B | Phase C | Ensure with design review that the commercial raytrace or custom vetted optical raytrace and that the optical design is in compliance with packaging volume constraints, first-order optical properties, image quality and radiometric performance and that these specifications are met with margin appropriate to the maturity of the design. Ensure that the design is configured to minimize ray angles of incidence to all fold mirrors and beam splitters. Ensure that coatings are designed to minimize polarization sensitivity and that the polarization dependence-of-transmission has been analyzed. Ensure that, for laser-based optics, all optic apertures are large enough for 99 percent of the laser beam light to pass when tolerances and pointing corrections are considered. Ensure that the optical throughput and image quality has been analyzed with the appropriate commercial or custom vetted optical design code if partial coherence effects are significant. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-13 Ensure Stray Light Design and analysis demonstrates performance Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that a detailed stray light model of the optical payload and opto-mechanical components is developed in commercial or custom vetted stray light analysis software. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494; Design Advisory DA-2013-03
4.5.5-4-14 Ensure that all alignment variables are addressed Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that the on-orbit alignment (focus) compensators mechanisms are reliable. Ensure that estimated tolerances on parts and alignments are feasible and within the reach of the alignment methods and measurement metrology being used. Ensure that component and assembly drawings and other contractor specifications are ready prior to procurement, and that the nominal constructional parameters and tolerances are consistent with the top-level tolerance budget. Ensure that the alignment methods and procedures meet the required tolerances. Ensure that the design approach includes a small number of orthogonal alignment compensators, including an ability to adjust focus on-orbit. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-15 Ensure that both total and non-ionizing energy loss dose calculations show expected doses to be within limits Phase B | Phase C | Ensure also that the system materials are reviewed for high-energy radiation susceptibility. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-16 Ensure that the optical clear apertures are sized to prevent vignetting when alignment tolerances and adjustments are considered Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that ray trace analysis of optical performance includes analysis of vignetting effects. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-17 Ensure that the materials list (optical substrates, coatings, adhesives, and paints for stray light and thermal control) have been reviewed for vacuum compatibility (out gassing properties) and high energy radiation susceptibility Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that materials experts perform this review and that tests for material vacuum compatibility are conducted on samples prior to integration of parts with the flight hardware for critical components. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-18 Ensure that the contamination levels required to meet stray-light specifications are determined Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that the optical transmittance of the system is evaluated using realistic coating and material transmittances data while including polarization dependencies (when important).Ensure that any surface treatments are identified and space qualified before applying them to flight hardware. Ensure that stray light analysis includes allocations for surface contamination in its Bi Directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) models. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-19 Ensure optical structural bonds, mounts, etc are adequately tested, demonstrated, qualified Phase B | Phase C | Ensure review of test results on test samples. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-20 Ensure that the approach for calibrating the instrument for image quality (spectral and spatial) and radiometric response is complete Phase B | Phase C | Ensure it includes instrument design features needed to implement calibration (on-board calibrators) and the ground support equipment that will be needed to implement calibration. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-21 Ensure that, if stray light or thermal background is important, the design incorporates field and lot stops with a cold stop located at the lot stop for minimizing thermal background Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that need and remedy is validated by analysis and test. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-22 Ensure that the design incorporates field and Lyot stops, where appropriate, with a cold stop located at the Lyot stop for minimizing thermal background, and that stray light test plans are developed to verify performance of stray light models Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that there is enough clearance between the optical beam and the mounted components to prevent obstruction of the beam when alignment adjustments and tolerances are considered. Ensure that the detailed design of post launch alignment adjustments (focus, etc.) and the details of how they will be used are adequately described. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-23 Ensure that the optical FOV and radiator FOV for the optics P/L will be unobstructed by other objects on the space vehicle Phase B | Phase C | Ensure these requirements are incorporated into the ICD and any consequences are address in the design integration effort. NA NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494
4.5.5-4-24 Ensure that any potentially systemic design issues are considered for a Design Advisory Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Phase D2 | Phase D3 | Any design or architecture issue that has severe, systemic, or widespread consequences is a potential candidate for a Design Advisory. Design Advisories provide the community with timely and interim notification of an important design issue which may ultimately be captured in a specification or standard. NA NA NA