4.5.7 - Hosted Payload

4.5.7-2 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.5.7-2-1 Ensure that disturbances generated by the Host Vehicle or Hosted Payload at the interface do not pose a threat to each other Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure rotational and transitional amplitude, frequency content, and uncompensated momentum, torque and jitter amplitude are considered. Ensure that the Hosted Payload can compensate for, or is able to tolerate, any moving masses required during operation. From a disturbance and jitter perspective, structural dynamics are a significant factor in the pointing budget. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration
4.5.7-2-2 Ensure that the Host Vehicle can perform mission even with failed Hosted Payload deployment, at any point in deployment Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that the Hosted Payload meets frequency requirements even with latch-up failure. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration
4.5.7-2-3 Ensure that Hosted Payload Field of View constraints are met in all mission phases (e.g., transfer orbit, normal mode, safe mode, etc.) Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that the Hosted Payload is protected from sun or earth view during nominal operations or safe mode transitions, as required. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration
4.5.7-2-4 Ensure that the Host Vehicle can provide a safing command to the Hosted Payload before orbital maneuvers, as applicable Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure test planning includes Host Vehicle/Hosted Payload safing in all configurations. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration
4.5.7-2-5 Ensure that the Hosted Payload does not intrude or cause glint into the fields of view of any Host Vehicle attitude control sensor (e.g., star trackers, sun sensors, earth sensors) Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that stay-out zones for payload radiators, glint-free zones, and other restrictions, are specified in the ICD. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration