4.5.7 - Hosted Payload

4.5.7-25 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.5.7-25-1 Ensure review of worst case mission temperature predictions to be within Hosted Payload temperature limits Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that Hosted Payload provider performs analysis using worst case parameters. Uncertainty margin should be applied as required by the Host Vehicle. Analysis should include reasonably conservative assumptions. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration
4.5.7-25-2 Ensure the Host Vehicle's thermal design attributes, including the interface, are defined to accommodate the Hosted Payload Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the worst-case thermal conditions and vacuum are used when determining margins. Ensure evaluation of each payload's thermal requirements and interface to ensure appropriate active and passive means are to monitor and control temperature. Appropriate conduction and radiation boundary conditions should be defined. Interface requirements may include limits on heat exchange. Hosted Payload should provide worst case power dissipations to Host Vehicle to assess proper impact to spacecraft. Host Vehicle should assess need for thermal model exchanges, including possible thermal balance testing and model correlation. Hosted Payload should not require special accommodations to meet its thermal requirements (e.g., CONOPS constraints, attitude changes, etc.) NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration