4.5.7 - Hosted Payload

4.5.7-3 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.5.7-3-1 Ensure evaluation of Host Vehicle on-orbit attitude knowledge, control and maneuverability, reference frames, mission parameters and CONOPS to accommodate the Hosted Payload Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that the Host Vehicle requirements for attitude knowledge, control, slew rates (speed and acceleration), settle time, and stability are adequately defined and allocated to each Hosted Payload interface. Ensure the Host Vehicle orbit position knowledge and precision is compatible with the Hosted Payload. Ensure any attitude or orbit-related telemetry required from the Host Vehicle is captured and documented, e.g., in a Host Vehicle-Hosted Payload Interface Control Document. Ensure any Hosted Payload constraints imposed by the Host Vehicle is also included. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration