4.5.7 - Hosted Payload

4.5.7-7 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.5.7-7-1 Ensure evaluation of contractor build, test, and integration processes for Hosted Payload is completed Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure process evaluation includes accommodation for non-nominal test cases, test-like-you-fly, joint analysis/review/acceptance of test results with Host and Hosted Payload engineers, and updates to all integration/test/evaluation documentation. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration
4.5.7-7-2 Ensure process in place to identify and resolve integration, test and operational risk items Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure evaluation of the risks associated with sharing space vehicle resources among all payloads during on orbit operations. Ensure the development of risk mitigation plans. Examples of potential risks: conflicts for bus power given individual operations concepts and duty cycle, commanding and/or mission data communication connectivity, thermal control impacts, payload resonances and susceptibility to vibration from the space vehicle and or other payloads. Ensure program office understands the entire scope of risks and interdependencies of contractor, integrator, Range, etc. Ensure determination of root cause of anomalies is definitive. NA NA TOR-2014-02199, Guidelines for Hosted Payload Integration