4.8 - Launch System Integration

4.8-2 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.8-2-1 Ensure Interface Requirements Document (IRD) is reviewed Phase B | Phase C | The SV to LV Interface Requirements Document (IRD) is usually produced by the SVC, and describes the physical, functional, environmental, and operational interface requirements between the SV and the LV. It provides the SV requirements for creating the SV/LV Interface Control Document (ICD) or Mission Specification. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-2-2 Ensure all SV IRD requirements are completely flowed down, traceable and included in the Interface Control Document (ICD) Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | After the ICD is signed by the four (or multi) parties (SV SPO, LV SPO, SVC and LVC) it supersedes the IRD, so it is critical that all IRD requirements are properly flowed down and traceable to ensure the derived requirements were archived. Where applicable, IRD should be updated to reflect ICD changes later in the integration flow. For multi-payload missions, ensure unique requirements such as tool sweep envelopes, access envelopes, volume stay-out-zones, etc. are captured in the ICD. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-2-3 Ensure the SV/LV ICD is adequately reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | The SV/LV Interface Control Document (ICD) defines the technical interfaces between the SV and the LV, is typically produced at L-24 months by the LVC, and approved by four parties: the SV System Program Office (SPO), the LV SPO, the SVC, and the LVC. SV requirements are derived from the program IRD. In addition to the mechanical, electrical and environmental interfaces, ensure requirements from launch base operations interfaces such as processing facilities, Electrical Ground Support Equipment, Mechanical Ground Support Equipment, etc. are included in the ICD. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-2-4 Ensure Program Requirements Document (PRD) reviewed to adequately capture SV requirements for the range Phase C | Phase D1 | For EELV missions, the generic Program Requirements Document (PRD) defines generic LV support required from and/or obtained from the range. SFWC 4.13 NA NA