4.8 - Launch System Integration

4.8-3 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.8-3-1 Ensure SV Transportation Plan is reviewed for correctness and completeness Phase C | Phase D1 | The SV Transportation Plan details the transportation processes for the SV, associated mechanical ground support equipment (MGSE), and electrical ground support equipment (EGSE) between the SV contractor facility and the Payload Processing Facility (PPF) located at the launch base. This plan should also contain SVC support plan for transportation from the PPF to the launch pad and the hurricane shelter, if applicable. It should identify all organizations involved (contractor or customer), roles and responsibilities, and details on preparation for packaging or shipping container, loading/unloading, actual transportation methods, and any special considerations such as contingency planning. Ensure transportation plan includes adequate coordination effort with appropriate government agencies to order transportation vehicle (e.g., C5/C17). Contingency planning for runway weather conditions, emergency landing sites en-route and at launch site, survey for ground transportation routes, etc. should be considered. Ensure any lessons learned from previous transport of the same SV are reflected in the plan. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-2 Ensure Launch Site Operations Plan is reviewed for correctness and completeness Phase C | Phase D1 | A Launch Site Operations Plan typically defines the tasks and the organizational structure required to accomplish planning for and execution of a spacecraft launch site campaign. It describes the facilities and equipment to be used, the organizations and personnel, and a nominal schedule required to receive, handle and assemble, and test the spacecraft at the payload processing facility (PPF) and at the launch complex. It also defines the activities required to integrate the spacecraft with the launch system and prepare it for launch. Prior to the start of a launch campaign, this document is useful for developing the processes to be implemented based on its requirements and philosophies. During the campaign it provides the various organizations the framework for implementing those processes. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-3 Ensure SV Environmental Test Plan adequately envelopes the LV environment Phase C | Phase D1 | The SV must be able to withstand the maximum LV-induced launch environments as defined in the SV/LV ICD. If test and test levels specified in the SV environmental test plan does not meet ICD requirements, potential interface incompatibility may result. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-4 Ensure the Mission Management Plan if available, is coordinated and agreed to by all parties Phase B | Phase C | The Launch System Mission Management Plan (MMP), developed by the launch vehicle program office, defines the roles, responsibilities and methodology for integration on Launch Vehicle System. This document describes the plan for managing the integration and launch of the integrated system (SV/LV). The MMP defines the working relationships among the organizations and agencies involved in the integration effort, but does not take precedence over or change any contractual terms or conditions. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-5 Ensure Program Security Plan for SV during transportation and launch operations is reviewed for correctness and completeness Phase C | Phase D1 | This plan covers the transport of the satellite and all associated classified hardware and Information Systems between factory to the launch site, and all processing operations during the launch campaign. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-6 Ensure launch base SV storage Plan is reviewed for correctness and completeness Phase C | Phase D1 | In the event that ground storage is required at the launch site, either during transportation (very short term due to weather or other issues or longer term due to program/mission delays) , the Storage Plan should address, at the minimum: storage facility environmental control (temperature, relative humidity, clean room class, etc.), on-site emergency power generator; Environmental monitoring and reporting; Control Access and Security System; RF monitoring/control capability, vehicle testing required during storage and once the vehicle is released from storage etc. This plan can be a stand-alone plan, or it may be included as part of the Launch Site Operations Plan or Launch site Procedures. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-7 Ensure payload processing facility selection meets program need Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | As part of the trade study for PPF selection, ensure candidate facilities meet all technical, schedule, and cost constraints. Additional factors may include security environment, operations availability, safety measures, office space availability, and ease of transportation from Space Vehicle Contractor facility. Document the selection process and recommendations/approvals. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-8 Ensure Propellant Leak Contingency Plan (PLCP) is reviewed for completeness Phase C | Phase D1 | The PLCP describes the actions required in the event of a propellant leak from the SV once it has been encapsulated at the payload integration facility. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-9 Ensure space vehicle hurricane plan is reviewed for completeness Phase C | Phase D1 | The SV Hurricane Plan describes resources, timeline and responsibilities required to ensure that all possible protection is provided in the event that personnel, flight hardware, and ground support equipment (GSE) are threatened by a hurricane or tropical storm. The SV Hurricane plan is usually developed in concert with the Launch Vehicle Contractor (LVC) and Payload Processing Facility (PPF) hurricane plans. This document should also address post-event recovery operations. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-3-10 Ensure Day-of-Launch planning is reviewed for completeness Phase C | Phase D1 | This is an integrated effort with the launch vehicle team. The SV team needs to define and document the SV Facilities and Seating arrangement, SV Polling Process, SV Anomaly Resolution Process, SV Launch Commit Criteria & Mandatory Assets for Launch, SV Countdown Timeline, Recycle Scrub Turnaround and Hold Call Procedures, SV Plus Count Coordination, SV Team Net Requirements, etc. SFWC 4.13, SFWC 4.14 NA NA
4.8-3-11 Ensure space vehicle radio frequency (RF) mitigation plan is reviewed for completeness Phase C | Phase D1 | In the event an RF Plan is not available for the program, ensure that relevant documents that address RF silence during transport (such as the space vehicle/launch vehicle interface control document or the program requirements document/operation requirements) are specified. SFWC 4.13 NA NA