4.8 - Launch System Integration

4.8-4 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.8-4-1 Ensure LV mission design and SV insertion orbit characteristics and accuracy analysis are reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | The orbital insertion characteristics and accuracy for the SV are typically specified as a 3-sigma value in the SV/LV Interface Control Document (ICD) and is performed by the LV contractor. This analysis needs to be reviewed by the SV community. It is recommended that an IV&V be conducted for the first mission. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-2 Ensure Target Specification is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | The mission target specification is prepared by the SVC and includes the SV mission design parameters and constraints, spacecraft weight and mass properties, separation attitude, and launch window data. Results should be reviewed before submission to the LVC. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-3 Ensure payload fairing (PLF) access analysis is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | To access SV and/or to meet Range Safety (EWR 127-1 or equivalent) for unplanned event of a spacecraft propellant leak, PLF access analysis is needed to demonstrate that access to the SV after encapsulation in the Payload Fairing (PLF) can be accomplished. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-4 Ensure RF link margin analysis is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | The RF link margin analysis is performed by the LVC using the planned SV trajectory to ensure adequate margin from launch through end of range coverage. The analysis includes antenna gain, airborne and ground system RF parameters, trajectory slant range, and vehicle look angle information. For the first flight of an SV on a particular LV configuration, an independent assessment of contractor results is recommended. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-5 Ensure LV/SV clearance analysis is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | SV clearance analysis should determine the minimum clearances between the space vehicle (SV) and the launch vehicle payload fairing during hoist, flight, and payload fairing jettison events. SV and PLF clearance distance is specified in the SV/LV ICD, and the SV separation system must function so as to avoid re-contact with flight hardware after release. For the first flight of an SV on a particular LV configuration, an independent assessment of contractor results is recommended. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-6 Ensure contamination control analysis is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | The SV/LV ICD will specify a particulate and molecular deposition requirement for the mission. The contamination analysis addresses contamination budget allocated for each phase of processing and the sources of contamination. Review of the LVC assumptions, calculations, and verifications are needed to ensure ICD requirements are met. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-7 Ensure environmental test and analysis is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | The SV/LV ICD specifies the maximum expected environment (acoustic, shock, vibration, etc) which the SV is expected to encounter throughout the entire launch event. For the first flight of an SV on a particular LV configuration, an independent assessment of contractor results is recommended. Changes to the acoustic environment specified in the ICD may require a revised analysis be performed. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-8 Ensure Electro-Explosive Device (EED) RF susceptibility analysis is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | An EED susceptibility analysis is performed to demonstrate that safety margins of the LV EEDs when exposed to the flight vehicle and launch site RF environments. Source of RF typically include active SV transmitters, LV RF source, and range sources. For the first flight of an SV on a particular LV configuration, an independent assessment of contractor results is recommended. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-9 Ensure SV/LV separation analysis is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | The SV separation conditions, including velocity, attitude pointing and accuracy, angular rate, and fault tolerance requirements are typically specified in the SV/LV Interface Control Document (ICD). For the first flight of an SV on a particular LV configuration, an independent assessment of contractor results is recommended. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-10 Ensure SV/LV RF/EMI/EMC analyses are reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | EMI/EMC requirements are typically specified in the SV/LV ICD, and address how EMI emissions and susceptibility of the SV and LV will be controlled to ensure EMC of the integrated system. In addition, the space vehicle needs to show RF compatibility or mitigation schemes for launch base radar emitters. The analyses should address RF/EMI/EMC concerns during transport from factory, from payload processing facility and at the launch site. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-11 Ensure SV loads finite-element model is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | Per SMC mandate, the LV/SV Verification Loads Cycle (VLC) is independently validated and verified (IV&V), including models, force excitation, and analysis. The verification of the SVC developed loads model is part of the complete IV&V, and needs to be accomplished prior to delivery to the LVC for loads analyses. The SV loads verification is typically finalized at the conclusion of the VLC validation effort. SFWC 4.13 NA NA
4.8-4-12 Ensure SV venting model and analysis is reviewed Phase C | Phase D1 | Payload compartment venting requirements are typically specified in the SV/LV ICD in the pressure requirements, and specify the maximum depressurization rate during ascent as well as static pressure during PLF jettison through SV separation. For the first flight of an SV on a particular LV configuration, an independent assessment of contractor results is recommended. SFWC 4.13 NA NA