4.9 - Space Vehicle Storage

4.9-4 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
4.9-4-1 Ensure parts and assemblies susceptible to degradation in storage are adequately tested Phase D1 | Ensure tests with marginal or failing results have mitigation/repair plans. Critical parts/assemblies (e.g. propellant tanks/valves) should have contingency plans in place before storage. Ensure test plans are adequately modified based on part/materials/processes (PMP) findings uncovered during storage. SFWC 4.13 NA Space Vehicle Test and Evaluation Handbook, Vol. 1, Para. 12.7; TOR-2016-00732, Prelaunch Storage of Satellites and Launch Vehicles - 2015 Update
4.9-4-2 Ensure lessons learned and alert systems are regularly reviewed for applicability to the system to ensure incorporation into storage and post-storage tests Phase D1 | Ensure lessons learned databases are reviewed and applied, as appropriate. Ensure interface exists to problem alerting databases, including a surveillance process for relevant alerts SFWC 4.13 NA Space Vehicle Systems Engineering Handbook, TOR-2006(8506)-4494; Why Satellites Fail: Lessons for Mission Success, TOR-2009(8617)-8704; TOR-2016-00732, Prelaunch Storage of Satellites and Launch Vehicles - 2015 Update