5.2 - Ground Segment System Engineering, Integration & Test (SEIT)

5.2-5 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
5.2-5-1 Ensure an independent ground segment architecture evaluation is performed Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Ensure an independent evaluation of the ground segment architecture is performed. Ensure the ground segment architecture is evaluated in terms of effectiveness, cost, schedule, risk, and potential for evolutionary growth. Ensure the criteria and weighting factors used to evaluate the ground segment architecture are traceable to system requirements and Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs). Use a software program to evaluate the architecture framework. Tailor the criteria in the framework according to the objectives of the evaluation, the phase of the program, and the level of required mission assurance. Evidence of the results of the evaluation is documented and maintained. Brief the results to the customer and the contractor. In Phase 0, the independent system architecture evaluation evaluates potential system concepts using the guidelines in the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook and the SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook. NA System/Segment Architecture Description; Integrated Master Plan (IMP) INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Architectural Design Concepts section; SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook, Assessment section or equivalent
5.2-5-2 Ensure the ground segment architecture is correct and complete Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the architecture completely identifies all the segments, sub segments, or components and correctly identifies which are hardware, software, or both. Ensure that the Analysis of Alternatives considered multiple candidate ground segment solutions including multiple views of a single architecture. Ensure the ground segment architecture is compatible with legacy Ground Data ground segments when applicable. Ensure the architecture is compatible with Service Level Agreements and supports Service Oriented Architecture services when possible. Ensure that the ground segment architecture defines the interfaces between architecture elements, such as segments, sub segments, components. Ensure the interfaces are flexible and that changes to the interfaces only impact a small number of the architecture elements (i.e. no "ripple effect" for interface changes). Ensure that the ground segment architecture is scalable and extensible. Ensure the ground segment architecture supports the DoD requirements for interoperability and net-centricity. Ensure the interfaces between hardware and software items is clearly defined and documented. If the architecture defines any interfaces to legacy elements, ensure that those legacy elements support the expected interfaces. Ensure that the contractor's ground segment architecture will meet all the ground segment requirements, including functional and non-functional (e.g. specialty engineering, performance, affordability, flexibility, scalability, etc.) requirements. Ensure the architecture defines any interfaces to COTS or GOTS (hardware or software) and that the COTS or GOTS will be maintained for the life cycle of the ground segment. Ensure the ground segment architecture decouples architecture elements (segments, sub ground segments, components, etc.) so that changes in one architectural element do not affect the other architectural elements. In Phase 0, the ground segment architecture trade space is examined for a reasonable number of ground segment architecture alternatives that meet all the ground segment requirements. NA System/Segment Architecture Description INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Architectural Design Concepts section; SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook, Technical Processes section or equivalent; TOR-2004(8583)-3470, Executability Metrics for SMC Programs, Metrics section or equivalent; TOR-2008(8584)-8194, Net-Centric Levels Based on System Capabilities
5.2-5-3 Ensure the correctness and completeness of the bidirectional traceability from the system requirements to the ground segment architecture elements Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure each system architecture element maps to one or more system requirements, or is derived with adequate justification. Ensure the functional architecture maps to the system requirements and to the physical architecture. Ensure the correctness and completeness of the traceability among system requirements, architecture components, and system design entities, such as segments, subsystems, components. Ensure the correctness and completeness of traceability between system architecture elements and requirements. NA System/Segment Architecture Description INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Architectural Design Concepts section; SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook, Technical Processes section or equivalent
5.2-5-4 Ensure the effectiveness of the ground segment architecture development process, methods, and tools, and ensure the contractor is following the processes Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that the system architecture processes align with the system delivery schedule; for example: if the systems engineering process uses a spiral approach, then the system architecture processes should use a spiral approach. Ensure that the system architecture development processes, methods, and tools are defined, documented in the SEMP, are effective, followed, and enforced. Ensure that the contractor's Quality Assurance department regularly audits the architecture processes methods and tools for compliance with the program plans and contract requirements. System architecture development processes should follow the best practices for architecture development as specified in the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook or the SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook. Ensure the correctness and completeness of the peer reviews of the system architecture. Ensure participation in contractor architecture peer reviews and other contractor reviews of system architecture. Ensure that the system architecture tools align with the system architecting process (e.g. if the approach is model based, then the architecture development process should use a modeling tool and SysML). NA System/Segment Architecture Description INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Architectural Design Concepts section; SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook, Technical Processes section or equivalent
5.2-5-5 Ensure the ground segment architecture supports information assurance and cyber security principles Phase 0 | Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that the system architecture supports attack detection and attack recovery. Ensure that the system architecture has appropriately grouped the architecture elements with consideration for the security aspects of the system. Ensure that the system architecture is in compliance with all required DISA Application Security and Development Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) checklists for the program. Ensure that the system architecture is in full compliance with all required DoD Information Assurance (IA) controls including DoD 8500.2 or DCID 6/3. Ensure that the system architecture has a high assurance security design for cryptographic key management in the system. Ensure that that the system architecture supports clean separation of security functionality from application business functionality. Ensure that trusted security components are easily identified and called out in the system architecture and all security Policy Decision Points (PDP) and Policy Enforcement Points (PEP) are clearly articulated in the architecture. Ensure that IA/Cyber experts perform this analysis. In Phase 0, the information assurance and cyber security system requirements are evaluated and used in defining the architecture trade space. NA System/Segment Architecture Description DoD Directive 8500.2, Information Assurance (IA) Implementation, February 6, 2003; DCID 6/3, Protecting Sensitive Compartmented Information within Information Systems, June 5, 1999; TOR-2007(8583)-6702, Information Assurance Handbook for DOD Space Systems: Guidance on Application of 8500.1/8500.2 IA Controls; DISA Application Security and Development Security Technical Implementation Guide October 28, 2011
5.2-5-6 Ensure the dependability of the ground segment architecture is considered during requirements definition and design Phase B | Phase C | Ensure that the system architecture supports safety requirements. Ensure that the system architecture supports reliability, maintainability, and availability (RMA) requirements. Ensure that the system architecture provides redundancy for critical system elements. In Phase 0, ensure that the system safety and RMA requirements are used in defining the architecture trade space. NA System/Segment Architecture Description INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Architectural Design Concepts section; SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook, Technical Processes section or equivalent
5.2-5-7 Ensure correctness and completeness of contractor's ground segment architecture studies, modeling, simulation, prototypes, analyses, and trade studies Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that the segment architecture studies, modeling, simulation, prototypes, analyses, and trade studies used to make architecture decisions and to validate the ground segment architecture (i.e. demonstrate it will work and meet its requirements) are documented in enough detail so that they can be repeated. Ensure that the results specifically identify the segment architecture decisions being made. Ensure that data supports the segment architecture decisions made and the architecture trade space and solution. Ensure that contractor segment architecture decisions are based on data from architecture studies, modeling, simulation, prototypes, analyses, or trade studies. Ensure that the contractor has demonstrated that the segment architecture will work, meet its requirements, and satisfy operational needs via dynamic modeling, simulation, or prototyping. Ensure the segment models and simulations correctly and completely represent the segment architecture. Ensure that the models and simulation results satisfy the segment requirements and support the segment Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs). Ensure that multiple scenarios and off nominal values are used in the modeling, simulations, prototypes, analyses and trade studies. In Phase 0, the boundary of the segment architecture trade space is delineated with respect to the segment functional and non-functional (e.g. specialty engineering) requirements. NA System/Segment Architecture Description; Cost / Design Trades and Analyses INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Architectural Design Concepts section; SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook, Technical Processes section or equivalent
5.2-5-8 Ensure independent ground segment architecture studies, modeling, simulation, and analyses are performed to validate the contractor's ground segment architecture Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure independent segment architecture studies, modeling, simulation, analyses are performed to validate the contractor's segment architecture will work, meet the requirements, and satisfy operational needs. Ensure the independent results validate the contractor's results and support the contractor's architectural decisions and solutions. Ensure that In Phase 0, the independent segment architecture studies, modeling, simulation, and analyses are conducted to validate the contractor's segment architecture decisions that delineate the architecture trade space. NA NA INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Architectural Design Concepts section; SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook, Technical Processes section or equivalent
5.2-5-9 Ensure the ground segment architecture documentation is correct and complete and architectural changes are reflected in the documentation Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the architecture is documented using good systems engineering practices and in a standard format easily understandable to the customer and the stakeholders (e.g. SysML). Ensure the documentation is kept current, traceable to the system requirements and the documentation change process is followed. Ensure that the architecture trade space is documented and all architecture decisions are documented. NA System/Segment Architecture Description INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Architectural Design Concepts section; SMC Systems Engineering Primer & Handbook, Technical Processes section or equivalent; DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF)