5.2 - Ground Segment System Engineering, Integration & Test (SEIT)

5.2-7 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
5.2-7-1 Ensure that the program has a documented master plan for test and verification, which describes the concepts for all tests and verifications to be used to ensure ground segment integration, and verification of compliance with all ground segment specifications Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure master planning documentation for test and verification is captured, approved and configuration controlled. Ensure planning includes all inspections, analyses, tests and demonstrations to be used to ensure segment integration, and compliance with all segment requirements. Ensure for each verification, the plan includes a description of the method to be used; the set up or set ups required; test equipment required, and in the case of special test equipment, a summary of high level requirements for the test equipment; verification environment requirements; high level description of the sequence of operations to be used; in the case of software, operating environment, test data requirements, database (both test and operational) requirements, and test software requirements; in the case of analysis, high level description of analysis method, models and simulation requirements, input data requirements, resources required (computing hardware, work stations, storage media, displays). Ensure complete two-way traceability between the planning and the segment specification and interface requirements documents. All segment requirements and interfaces should be fully addressed in the planning, and all verifications should address at least one segment requirement or interface. SFWC Integration and Test Plans; Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) SMC-S-001, SMC Systems Engineering Requirements and Products or equivalent; TOR-2012(8960)-2, Proposed Test Requirements for Ground Systems; IEEE 1220: For Practical Systems Engineering; ANSI/EIA-632, Processes for Engineering a System
5.2-7-2 Ensure integration plans, traceable to the baseline ground segment architecture and the baseline requirements set, are documented, approved, and configuration controlled Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure complete bi-directional traceability between integration and test plans, and requirements; and between integration and test plans, and architecture elements. Each requirement and each element should be traceable to at least one plan. The set of plans tracing to each requirement, and the set of plans tracing to each architecture element should outline the complete integration procedures and tests to ensure soundness of integration. Ensure all integration and test plans are documented, reviewed and approved per program and process requirements; are configuration controlled and maintained. For the current level of integration, ensure that the lower level components, assemblies, sub segments, products, and software builds are subjected to sufficient testing (nominal and off nominal) to ensure operational effectiveness, usability, trainability, interface conformance, conformance with specified requirements, producibility, and supportability. Note that at any point in the development, different elements of hardware, software and interfaces, may be at different levels of integration. Approved means that the item in question has been reviewed and received approval in accordance with contractual requirements and program directives and processes. NA Integration and Test Plans SMC-S-001, SMC Systems Engineering Requirements and Products or equivalent; TOR-2012(8960)-2, Proposed Test Requirements for Ground Systems; IEEE 1220: For Practical Systems Engineering; ANSI/EIA-632, Processes for Engineering a System
5.2-7-3 Ensure verification plans and procedures, traceable to the baseline ground segment architecture and the baseline requirements set, are documented, approved, and configuration controlled Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure complete traceability between verification plans and requirements, and between verification plans and architecture elements. Each requirement and each element should be traceable to at least one plan. The set of plans tracing to each requirement, and the set of plans tracing to each architecture element (including segment interfaces) should verify the corresponding requirement or element. Ensure verification plans include all methods of verification to be used to verify the segment and its elements (Inspection, Test, Demonstration and Analysis). Ensure that each plan includes test or demonstrations, or both, has one or more procedures derived from it, and the set of procedures completely implement the plan. Ensure each verification procedure traces to at least one verification plan. Ensure all verification plans and procedures are documented, have been reviewed and approved by all stakeholders per program processes and requirements, and have been configuration controlled. The verification plans should confirm compliance with all hardware, software and interface requirements. They should completely describe every step necessary to complete the procedure, and include pass/fail or completion criteria for each step to be certified in the test data sheets by testers and witnesses. NA System Verification and Validation Plan SMC-S-001, SMC Systems Engineering Requirements and Products or equivalent; TOR-2012(8960)-2, Proposed Test Requirements for Ground Systems; IEEE 1220: For Practical Systems Engineering; ANSI/EIA-632, Processes for Engineering a System
5.2-7-4 Ensure integration procedures, traceable to the approved integration plans, are documented, approved and configuration controlled Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure each integration and test plan has one or more procedures derived from it, and the set of procedures completely implement the plan. Ensure each integration and test procedure traces to at least one integration and test plan. Ensure that all integration and test procedures are documented, are reviewed and approved per program and process requirements, are configuration controlled and maintained. Approved means that the item in question is reviewed and received approval in accordance with contractual requirements and program directives and processes. The integration procedures should completely describe every step of the integration, and of the verification. Integration soundness should verify every aspect of functionality and performance required and expected at the level of integration. Every step in the integration and verification procedures should include pass/fail or completion criteria to be certified in the test data sheets by testers and witnesses. NA NA SMC-S-001, SMC Systems Engineering Requirements and Products or equivalent; TOR-2012(8960)-2, Proposed Test Requirements for Ground Systems; IEEE 1220: For Practical Systems Engineering; ANSI/EIA-632, Processes for Engineering a System