5.4 - Ground Segment Software

5.4-4 Level 2 Tasks

Tasks Applicable Mission Phases Description SFWC Artifacts References
5.4-4-1 Ensure that independent software requirements analyses are executed and documented in reports Phase A | Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure that software requirements validation is performed to be sure the right system is being built. Ensure that higher level requirements allocation to software is complete. Ensure, via analysis, that computer software resource margins are adequate. Ensure that activities result in a clear and unambiguous evaluation of the contractor's analytical studies, models and simulations, and trade studies used in the process of software requirements definition. Ensure that activities are documented and kept up to date. NA NA TOR-2004(3909)-3537 SW Development Standard for Space Systems; TOR-2011(8591)-20 Space Segment SW Readiness Assessment; CMMI for Development, Version 1.3. Technical Report CMU/SEI-2010-TR-033, Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University, 2010.
5.4-4-2 Ensure the contractor's analysis of computer resource utilization is correct and complete through all phases of the software development Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the contractor performs an analysis of computer resource utilization, including processor throughput, memory, storage, and bandwidth. Ensure the analysis is performed based on the software requirements, software architecture and algorithm definition and that the analysis is updated based on the software design. Ensure estimates are replaced with actual measurements during implementation and unit testing and that this continues throughout unit integration and test, hardware-software integration and test, and software qualification testing. Ensure the contractor's analysis is correct and complete through all phases of the software development. Ensure the contractor's analysis shows the estimated and measured computer resource utilizations meet their allocated budgets for each software item throughout the development life cycle. Ensure when the utilization estimates or measured actual exceed the budget threshold, corrective action is taken to bring the utilization back in line with the requirements. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Requirements Analysis and Validation chapter, Software Mission Assurance chapter; Software Development Standard for Space Systems, TOR-2004(3909)-3537 Rev B; Space Segment SW Readiness Assessment,TOR-2011(8591)-20
5.4-4-3 Ensure the contractor's analysis of software timing requirements is correct and complete throughout the software development life cycle Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the contractor has performed an analysis of the software timing requirements. Ensure the analysis is performed based on the software requirements, software architecture and algorithm definition and that the analysis is updated based on the software design. Ensure estimates begin to be replaced with actual measurements during implementation and unit testing and that this continues throughout unit integration and test, hardware-software integration and test, and software qualification testing. Ensure the contractor's analysis is correct and complete through all phases of the software development. Ensure the contractor's analysis includes response times, database timing, ability of the software to keep up with real-time interfaces, and similar timing issues and requirements. Ensure the contractor's analysis shows the estimated and measured timing meet the allocated budget for each software item throughout the development life cycle for nominal and off-nominal conditions and stressing scenarios. Ensure when the timing exceeds the budget threshold, corrective action is taken to bring the timing back in line with the requirements. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Requirements Analysis and Validation chapter, Software Mission Assurance chapter; Software Development Standard for Space Systems (050311), TOR-2004(3909)-3537 Rev B, Detailed Requirements chapter; Space Segment SW Readiness Assessment,TOR-2011(8591)-20
5.4-4-4 Ensure the contractor's analysis of software user interface design is correct and complete throughout the software development life cycle Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the contractor performs an analysis of the software user interface design, including user task load analysis with the screen design. Ensure the analysis is performed based on the software requirements and software architecture and that the analysis is updated based on the software design. Ensure the analysis is continued throughout unit integration and test, hardware-software integration and test, and software qualification testing, based on the implemented user interface and software response times and other performance parameters. Ensure the contractor's software user interface analysis is correct and complete through all phases of the software development. Ensure the contractor's analysis shows the software user interface and software performance allows the user's required response times, timelines, and other requirements allocated to the user to be met. Ensure the test cases for which the user interface is analyzed include nominal and off-nominal conditions and user-stressing scenarios. Ensure when the analysis shows the user cannot meet his/her requirements with the user interface design and software performance, corrective action is taken to bring the software and user interface design back in line with the requirements. NA NA Space Segment Software Readiness Assessment, TOR-2011(8591)-20, Process, Product, and Resource Perspectives chapter; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Requirements Analysis and Validation chapter, Software Mission Assurance chapter; Software Development Standard for Space Systems (050311), TOR-2004(3909)-3537 Rev B, Detailed Requirements chapter
5.4-4-5 Ensure the contractor's software reliability and availability analysis, including models, are correct, complete, and kept up to date Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure the contractor performs an analysis of the software reliability and availability, including the use of software reliability and availability models. Ensure the analysis is performed based on the software requirements and software architecture and that the analysis is updated based on the software design. Ensure estimates based on defects found in testing are calculated throughout unit integration and test, hardware-software integration and test, and software qualification testing. Ensure the contractor's analysis is correct and complete through all phases of the software development. Ensure the contractor's analysis shows the software reliability and availability meet the allocated budget for each software item throughout the development life cycle. Ensure the test cases for which data is collected include nominal and off-nominal conditions and stressing scenarios. Ensure when the software reliability and availability estimates exceed the budget threshold, corrective action is taken to bring the reliability and availability back in line with the requirements. NA NA Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Requirements Analysis and Validation chapter, Software Mission Assurance chapter; Software Development Standard for Space Systems (050311), TOR-2004(3909)-3537 Rev B, Detailed Requirements chapter; Space Segment SW Readiness Assessment,TOR-2011(8591)-20; SMC-S-013, Reliability Program for Space Systems, 13 June 2008 (also published as TOR-2007(8583)-6889 under same title) or equivalent;
5.4-4-6 Ensure independent software analyses are performed when the contractor does not perform the analyses, or to validate the contractor's analyses when they are performed Phase B | Phase C | Phase D1 | Ensure independent software analyses are performed. These analyses may be performed when the contractor does not perform them or to validate the contractor's results when the contactor does perform them. The types of analyses to consider are: computer resource utilization; timing; reliability and availability; information and cyber security vulnerability analysis; and other similar analyses for critical software requirements or design characteristics. Also included here are independent modeling, simulation, and/or prototyping to demonstrate whether the contractor's software architecture and design will meet the performance requirements and operational needs. Ensure all issues identified through the independent analyses are acted upon, corrections are made, and action items are tracked to closure. This task is intended to be tailored for the specific independent software analyses to be performed. NA NA Space Segment Software Readiness Assessment, TOR-2011(8591)-20, Process, Product, and Resource Perspectives chapter; Mission Assurance Guide, TOR-2007(8546)-6018, Rev B, Requirements Analysis and Validation chapter, Software Mission Assurance chapter; Software Development Standard for Space Systems (050311), TOR-2004(3909)-3537 Rev B, Detailed Requirements chapter